Y’all know I’m very picky when it comes to running sponsored posts on Mint Mocha Musings – but this one had me at hello. It’s such an important one for so many of us the world over right now, no matter which part of it we live in.
In the past year, if you’re a parent, it’s highly likely you have home schooled at some stage, many for much longer than others…and many are still going.
Lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic has brought about a period of enormous change and uncertainty. For children school closures were sudden, forcing them and their parents to quickly adapt as they faced a long and uncertain period of home schooling.
As children return to school, uncertainty and the need to adapt to change remains. Social distancing measures may mean that school will be different to how it was before the lockdown. For some pupil’s school times may change or they may only attend two or three days per week. In the classroom, students may be divided into smaller groups and
socialising restricted. It is important to prepare children for this new experience and the challenges it may bring. For that reason, I’m more than happy to team up with Allianz Care to bring you some tips on how to adjust to the new school year.
Talk to your child about their concerns
Your children may have the usual concerns about going back to school, but, they may also be concerned about the impact of coronavirus and what the school experience will be like.
If your child is anxious or worried, talk to them about the concerns they are having about returning to school. Reassure them their feelings are normal and emphasise that you and their school are making every effort to minimise any impact on their school experience.
Let them know that you and their teachers are always available to listen and want to help in any way.Many children will have been missing their friends and routine during the coronavirus confinement period. The return to school will be seen as a welcome return to normal.
Remind your child of the positives
Talk with your child about what they are most looking forward to about going back to school, and remind them of all the positives that school life brings.
Talk to your child’s teachers
Talk to your child’s teachers before talking with your child about the return to school, ensuring you are fully informed about what will stay the same when school returns and what will change.
There may be specific requirements that your child’s school has put in
place which both you and your child need to be aware of and adhere to.
Remember your child’s school and teachers are available to help answer your queries, so don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Talk with your child’s teachers or school principal if you have uncertainties or concerns about the new school experience.
Prepare your child for what to expect.
When you are informed of what to expect and what safety protocols have been put in place by your child’s school, relay this information back to your child in a positive and age appropriate manner.
Ensure your child knows what to expect so there are no surprises. If your child will be required to wear a face covering during school time, let them know. Have them practice wearing the face covering, so that they are comfortable wearing it, and ensure they have an extra supply of face coverings should they need them. In addition, teach your child the
correct way to wear their face covering.
Putting on a face covering:
- They should wash their hands thoroughly before touching the face covering.
- They should ensure the face covering has no holes or tears.
- If the face covering has ear loops, they should hold the covering by the ear loops and put the loops around each ear.
- If the face covering has ties, they should hold the covering by the ties and bring the covering to their nose and tie securely.
- They should place the face covering securely over their mouth and nose, ensuring there are no gaps.
- They should be able to breathe easily.
What should be avoided when wearing a face covering.
- They should avoid touching their face covering while wearing the face covering.
- They should not use a wet or soiled face covering.
- They should not wear a loose-fitting face covering.
- They should not rest the face covering around their neck or on their forehead.
- They should not share face coverings with other pupils.
- When speaking they should not lower their face covering.
- They should dispose of face coverings safely and hygienically.
Remind your child about the importance of hand hygiene.
Reassure your child the measures which the school has in place are to help ensure their safety and that of their teachers and classmates. Remind them that they too must do their bit to prevent any spread of coronavirus by washing their hands regularly and practicing good cough and sneeze etiquette.
Get back into routine.
Regular routine may have gone awry during the confinement period, in particular, your child may not have had a set bedtime and getting up time. To help ease the back to school transition, it is important to gradually re-establish routines in advance of the first day back.
Help your child adjust by setting appropriate bed times and waking up times. During confinement your child may have stayed in their pyjamas for longer in the morning or have become used to morning TV while you tried to address other work and home commitments.
Re-establish a morning routine for your child which prioritises getting dressed, brushing their teeth and hair and eating breakfast.
Revise some maths, writing and reading.
You may have let home schooling slide for a while, in advance of your child returning to school help them transition by undertaking some age appropriate reading, maths or writing.
Your child may have concerns about having fallen behind in their studies, reassure them that everyone has been in the same situation and their teachers are prepared to help get everyone back on track.
Keep the conversation going.
When school finally does reopen and your child begins to settle into their new routine, ensure that you keep the dialogue going. Ask them how their day has been, and let them know that you are available to address any concerns or worries that they may have.
Be sure to check in with their teachers to find out how they are progressing.
The return to school will be a significant milestone for your child, and may present challenges.
However, with some advance planning and good communication between you, your child and their school, you can reduce any detrimental impact on your child’s wellbeing and education.
Allianz Care international health insurance can help members and their children with the transition back to school, they provide you with an Assistance Programme, where you can speak with a professional who can offer support. The service offers confidential support for
mental, financial, physical and emotional wellbeing and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

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